
Thursday, July 30, 2009

A shout out to the ppl of Toronto

Ok so I confess, I'm as bad at directions as I am at photography.

So yesterday I went to the ROM to see the Dead Sea Scrolls, been really looking forward to it, thought I had it all planned out, you know, google maps, printed this and that, yes, def I have this under control! ummm....well, actually I did get there easily enough, despite the usual Ontario highway summer construction that seems mandatory in the province to delay all travelers, altho I'm so used to it I prefer to see it as a 'slow down and smell the roses'

Side note here: the exhibit is spectacular. Kudos to the museum for doing justice to such an awe inspiring subject. Only complaint...where the heck were the audio headsets?! me and a bunch of students were all looking for them...nowhere to be found.

Anyway, I digress. I haven't been in downtown TO for a while, I've always found the people there to be exceptionally friendly and helpful in the past, but, ya know these days that sort of courtesy has gone by the wayside in so many places, it was absolutely refreshing to find that the people of TO have maintained this mostly lost art. In such a busy metropolis, with people everywhere, cars backed up for miles, motorists stopped, let me in to lanes, waited patiently as I tried to decipher street names and figure out where the heck I was going. Stopping at lights, asking other drivers, I going the right way? taking time to answer my questions and directing me, reassuring me that yes, 3 more blocks etc.

But the big surprise was when leaving, I decided since I'd come in on the QEW, onto Spadina then all thru China Town that perhaps it might be faster to go back on the 401. But where oh where were the 401 exits?! After some missteps, I asked a taxi driver stopped at a red light. Explaining to me where to go, the light had long since changed, and we were still sitting there. ok so ppl were patient but it was time to move for sure, so off we went. Next light he pulls up beside me, explains more. Next light he gets out of his cab, hands me a hand written note with directions. Next light he says, dont be nervous, stay in this lane, then that lane etc etc. Next light he says, you know what, follow me, I'll take you there.
He was so kind and patient, just amazing to me that someone would take time out to do that for me. I believe the taxi company was "Beck"? anyway, he got me safely to the expressway and his notes made it easy to find my way from there, even including what lanes to be in so I wouldnt miss my exits.

I came home tired but bubbling over with what I had seen and learned at the exhibit. I also realized how much quilting affects my life and thoughts...some of the patterns on various ancient relics...oh wow what great quilting patterns those are going to make! I can't wait to incorporate them into future quilts.

So people of TO...high five! you rock.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Inner Peace BOM

finally finished piecing this top! so excited to have that done, well the piecing anyway lol

I tried to take a pic of the top but its too big to get a decent picture right now, but might give an idea of what it looks like, altho this is really only the center of it, sides are folded over.

quilting has begun, here is a peek at what I've started.

the borders are actually black, as usual my photography leaves much to be desired! =)

happy quilting!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

A nice giveaway

at heart and hands site

I have not seen the book or technique but it sure sounds interesting, so I entered the giveaway, even tho Ive never won a thing in my life lol but hey there has to be a first time sometime right? lol

Head on over and read about the book and enter your own comment for a chance to win, it really does look like a fun book.

oh and I got the right side border on Inner Peace...3 borders to go! then to agonize over how I want to quilt it =)

Thursday, July 23, 2009


I really am not doing well at keeping up with this blogging stuff!
Maybe because its summer, maybe because I've been too busy *cough* =) really I have been busy but I'm sure I could find time to update this once in a while at least...

Here's some pics of another happy block quilt I completed gosh idk at least a month ago, I think more actually...and one more after it as well but I havent taken pics of it yet, I will get to that soon...but maybe really pics arent necessary, I suppose they are all basically the same idea and those who view this blog (which really not sure anyone ever comes here)lol are tired of seeing them.

I have been working on finishing up the Inner Peace BOM tho, its actually nearly done, I have the final row to stitch to the top, then the borders to make. It was one of those 'omg I'll never make another one of these' tops. The 12 months of blocks were easy to keep up with but the finishing step required 24 more blocks to be made...along with putting it together and borders. Good thing I really like the quilt or it would have def become another UFO.

Raining again today...not sure where summer is exactly, but it seems to have missed this town lol

The backing on this one is from the heartstrings group, the ladies donate fabric and Sherrie puts the backs together along with binding to match. It was so nice to just be able to load this on the frame once I finished the top and then get the binding on right away. I always stumble at the binding part, so this worked out really well.

I have more of these quilts finished and will post pics soon (I know u dont believe me but I will lol) Some of them have been donated, but I am saving a couple of them to donate in the fall when the need will be greater as winter sets in.

/wave bfn