Finished quilting this top today, when I pieced the top I used dark and light strips in separate blocks to give it a little different look. Quilted the light squares with a ginko disk pattern and the dark ones in a different pattern.
I started making this for a particular person but sadly she passed away the other day.
I will bind it and donate it to someone else eventually, just maybe I think I may let it sit for a lil while, I guess thats weird but I feel a whole bunch sad about it just now.
I am so sorry about the person passing away before she was able to hug that quilt...that does hurt and takes the wind out of you. It is a beautiful quilt!
What a lovely quilt. So sorry to hear that the intended recipient never got to see the quilt. I'm sure someone else will cherish it when you feel ready to part with it :)
I'm sorry your friend passed away, the quilt is lovely and when you're ready to let it go I'm sure it will comfort someone else.
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