yay! well sort of. Joann Fabrics had a sale starting today, but that meant a 2 hour drive, dealing with the border etc., still, the price was good, and I've been looking at them for a while, none in this area that I could find. Sooo...I called 2 of the ones nearest me earlier in the week, they said to call Saturday and make sure they still had them.
The closest store did not. Ok...the other one did, so I had them put it on hold.
They had none left on the shelf, but had put it away. Got it, a couple of dies and mats, headed home. Had to pay at the border but I knew that, still made it a pretty good deal.
All excited and ready to play...open the box, and the dust cover is filthy dirty and ripped. Made me sad =( but its just a dust cover I can deal with that. Opened the value die only to find the mat was well used and a mark on the die itself. I'm really disappointed. Its just too far to take it back, plus they don't have anymore left, plus I already forked out the duty/taxes at Customs.
I tried it out, it works ok, but it kinda took the joy away if that makes sense. Its clearly been used and a fair bit at that, I don't know if the store used it or it was a return, but it was something I really had to save for and I hadn't expected something I bought at a store to be used.
On a happier note, Jesse's quilt is all finished and in the dryer. I will ship it to piecinghope this week and hopefully it will get to Africa soon. I'll post a pic tomorrow if I can get my camera to play nicely.
I finished a whole bunch of lime green strip blocks for the heartstrings Feb/March project. They are really cute. Will post pics of those too when I have them all together. I only have 8 sewn together so far.
Happy sewing!
I would contact the store and request a replacement for the scratched up part. That wasn't fair to sell you their well used one.
Too bad this happened - I didn't realize one had to pay customs when bringing new items from the states to Canada! Guess you need to check all the boxes for future purchases!
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